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Monday 21 May 2012

Essay 7

Hiding in a cage

By: Cole Blake


           After looking at a bird in a cage and reading chapter 15 in To Kill a Mockingbird I realized there are few times in most peoples lives where they have had to hid and let their friends defend them. Just like Tom Robinson had to rely on Atticus and Mr. Underwood to defend him from a racist group. To me seeing a bird in a cage symbolized someone hiding in a protected area where no one could hurt them.

             What the bird in the cage symbolizes to me reminds me of chapter 15 and my own life. This reminds me of chapter 15 because of Tom Robinson hiding in the jail cell fleeing from the group. He had to eclipse behind the walls of the jail from the racist gang who was trying to hurt him.  If not for him being secluded behind the walls of the jail he would have been hurt. Also Tom Robinson was hiding behind his friends, Atticus and Mr. Underwood. “You can just turn around and go home again, Walter” Atticus said to one of the men. This quote shows that even though Tom Robinson is black he still has friends who will defend him. This Bird also reminds me of my life because I’m sure there have been times where I have had to hide behind my friends who defended me. For example if someone said something mean to me my friends defended me and tell them to stop. I would do the same for one of my friends. I think chapter 15 was one of the best examples of what this bird means to me.

           To me this bird symbolized the main part of chapter 15 and a few situations in my life. In chapter 15 this bid reminded me of the part where Atticus has to defend Tom Robinson. It also reminded me of having to have my friends back me up in school.  I am glad I saw this bird because it has given me lots of new ideas about chapter 15

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