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Monday 21 May 2012

Essay 11

Patterns in our Lives
Cole Blake
Pine Point School

Patterns are all over To Kill a Mockingbird, Decorating its complicated story. They also spread across our lives, bringing us a smile when we notice them. One pattern I noticed in To Kill a Mockingbird is single parents. One I noticed in my life is playing sports every year. Patterns are everywhere in To Kill a Mockingbird and my life.

(TS) There are many patterns in To Kill a Mockingbird and one of them is kids having missing parents. (SD) For example, Scout and Jem do not have a mother. (CM) I have noticed this on several occasions when they, sprinting home with Dill,  only talk to their father Atticus. (CM) Also, Atticus mentions to Aunt Alexandra that he needs Cal because scout’s mother is deceased. (SD) Scout and Jem’s friend Dill also has no parents. (CM) This is easy to notice seeing as he is always moving around and can never stay with Scout and Jem for very long.(CM) He also is never staying with his parents only aunts and uncles. (SD)In addition Mayella Ewell does not have a mother. (CM)She has to help her dad take care of her brothers. (CM)This makes Mayella very stressed. (CS)This was a very  noticeable pattern in To Kill a Mockingbird.

(TS)One pattern that I have noticed in my life would be playing sports. (SD) Dribbling up the court, passing to teammates, taking shots, the first sport that I play is always basketball during the winter. (CM)When playing basketball I am always on the same team. (CM)Also Basketball is always played during the winter seeing how it is an indoor sport. (SD)Burning outside in the sun, passing the ball to your friends, Lacrosse is the second sport that I play every year. (CM)Similar to basketball, I have been on the same team since I started to play lacrosse. (CM)Lacrosse is always played during the same season each year and that season is spring. (SD)At one point I had played baseball too during the summer. (CM)Always smashing the ball with my bat, catching the ball in the outfield, I enjoyed  the game until the end. (CM)I loved playing baseball but after a few years I became bored and quit. Sports are a major pattern in my life and I am very glad that it is.

Single parents was a major pattern in To Kill a Mockingbird. There were  lots of children without a mother or without a father. Sports was a major pattern in my life because of how much time I spent every year playing sports. Even though I used to play 3 sports a year I still feel like 2 sports is a lot.

Self Assessment

1.  I am continuing to work on my concluding paragraphs .
2. One strong point in my essay is my partciples.
3. One weak point in this essay is my concluding paragraph.

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