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Monday 21 May 2012

Essay 8

            Atticus Finch and I are in some ways alike. Atticus finch is a very mild person, he is always handling problems in non violent ways. I like to try and be a mild person, I don’t like to start fights or get into arguments. Atticus Finch and I are very mild people.

(TS) Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird is a very mild
person. (SD)Reading books, lecturing his children, no matter what he is doing he is always very calm and peaceful never raising his voice for
any reason at all. (CM) Scout said he has only raised his voice once
when she was little. (CM)Even when in an argument with aunt Alexandra he stays very mild. (SD)Atticus can be mild at the most dangerous times of his life, when most people would fight or yell.(CM) When Atticus had to risk his life to defend Tom Robinson at the jail, He became very mild, facing the mob without violence. (CM) Also Atticus seemed very calm at the court when trying to defend Tom Robinson. (CM)Most people would have been nervous, but Atticus stayed very calm strolling to the windows during conversation. (CM)Atticus Finch is one of the mildest people I have read about.

I can become a very mild person almost the same as Atticus. Always talking quietly in the halls, trying not to interrupt any classes, I am always trying to be as mild as I can in most situations. Whenever I pass by a class in session, I sneak by trying not to distract the students. Also while in class I try not to interrupt the teachers. When most people would raise their voices, I try to use a monotone voice. For example if I were watching the super bowl and my team lost I would not become mad and start making excuses. I would not start yelling in celebration if I were to win. I am always trying to be calm and quiet, I like to try and be as mild as I can.

Mildness is the big reason Atticus and I are alike. We both try to be peaceful and be very kind. I never want to start violence and neither does Atticus. Atticus. Finch and I seem to be very mild people.

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