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Thursday 15 December 2011

Essay 2

Love Can Save You’re Life

How “Love Will Keep Us Alive “ relates to Of Mice and Men

An Essay By Cole Blake

(T.S.) After Listening to the song “Love Will Keep Us Alive” by the Eagles, I learned a lot more about how important friendship is in the real world, and in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. In our lives we all have family members whom are very important to us. We cant imagine how life would be if we did not have them. I’m sure George and Lennie from Of Mice and Men have had this thought and learned that they would not be able to survive without each other. “Love Will Keep Us Alive” made me think of what it would be like.

(T.S.) “Love Will Keep Us Alive” revolves around teaching people not to worry because someone will save them. (S.D.) Sometimes in my life if  I have  trouble with studying the material on a test. (C.M.) When this happens, I need a family member, “loved one”, or even a friend to help me out. (C.M.) If my family were not there for me, I may fail the test. (S.D.) The quote “Don’t you worry sometimes you just gotta let it ride.” reminded of times when I don’t want to deal with my problems. (C.M.) One of these times might be when I don’t want to go to academic study hall, but I realize I have to go because I will just get in more trouble. (C.M.) Also, when I was little, at my old school I hated going to school and wanted to stay home, but after someone explained why school was important I then realized I must go. (S.D.) Above all I enjoyed the quote “ Don’t you worry sometimes you just gotta let it ride.”, This quote made me realize that a lot of times when you are worrying you should just let it ride, because everything is going to be okay. (C.M.) Lots of times when I am worrying about something it does not turn out so bad. (C.S.) I really love this song because it teaches me so much about worrying.

(T.S.) Although “Love Will Keep Us Alive” is a lot like my life, it also has a lot to do with Of Mice and Men. (S.D.) For example, I think Lennie and George need each other or they will fall apart. (C.M.) This is because Lennie is not elegant and will not be able to answer complicated questions.(C.M.) George also needs Lennie because George is not very robust and sometimes he only gets jobs because of Lennie’s great strength. (S.D.) Without George, Lennie would have lots of concerns. (C.M.) Some of these could be worrying about food because he does not have the brains to acquire it. (C.M.) It would be hard for him to keep jobs, so therefore I think he would struggle with money. (S.D.) Needless to say, George needs Lennie less then Lennie needs  George. (C.M.) George would still need Lennie because George would not make enough money to buy the house he is saving up for. (C.M.) Also I think Lennie provides a positive mood when he is around he is never really frowning, instead he is almost always smiling. (C.S.) Of Mice and Men is a great example of the point I think this song is trying to get across.

Lennie and George really need each other while we really need our loved ones. Which ever way you like to think about it “Love Will Keep Us Alive” is one of the best songs ever written. It defintely  makes us think about our friends and loved ones.

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